- Mrdoob - creator of the most popular WebGL framework, THREEJS.
- Collin Hover - author of Kaiopua engine and our last website (onGameStartUS). If you never heard of him - check his talk from the last oGS.
- Rémi Papillié - from Ubisoft, will teach us about console game dev tricks that could be useful in WebGL games
- Ivan Popelyshev - creator of Bombermine, the game that was in Top10 of HTML5 games in 2012 on NetMag. He will share his secrets about developing MMO game with canvas & Websockets
- Jasmine Kent - formerly worked for Sega, author of Trigger Rally, a WebGL racing game
- Jan Krutisch - will make some noise with Web Audio API (finally!)
- Yuri Dobronravin - will teach us how to run our HTML5 games with native-like performance on Windows Phone and Android, like he did with his Cannons & Soldiers
- and others, check our agenda
If you still haven't decided if you want to attend, check videos from previous onGameStarts:
And all the talks in here: 2011, 2012+oGSUS.
For more details visit our site, Facebook, Twiter and Lanyrd. See you there!